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Brain Development Services will support you whilst you are using NeurOptimal®, whether you are seen in clinic or you choose a home rental package. We use the TRACKING YOUR SHIFTS: THE ONE HUNDRED which can be downloaded above. You check off any items that represents how you are feeling.  

1. Itchy or irritated nose, sneezing

2. Wheezing

3. Catch cold too often

4. Run down

5. Tired

6. Awake too long when you go to bed

7. Waking up during the night

8. Waking up before you want to

9. Difficult to wake up in the morning

10. Bad dreams

11. Difficulty breathing at night

12. Out of bed but not knowing how you got there

13. Skin difficult to manage

14. Hair weaker or less lustrous than you’d like

15. Nails weak, flaking or tearing

16. Blurry vision at times

17. Areas where you can’t see anything

18. Spots floating in front of you

19. Difficult to hear

20. Ringing in your ears

21. Ears hurt inside

22. Smells seem different or lost

23. Nose gets blocked

24. Grinding your teeth

25. Things taste different

26. Voice hoarse or sore

27. Can’t get enough air

28. Heart too fast or jumpy

29. Pulsing or throbbing in your head

30. Heart skips a beat

31. World spinning around you

32. Might throw up

33. Tummy hurts

34. Gassy, bloated

35. Sensitive digestion

36. Upset stomach

37. Difficulty going to the bathroom

38. Eat when not hungry, or not feeling hungry

39. Trouble eating sweets

40. Urges to eat sweet things

41. Sensitive to heat or cold

42. Slowed down or speeded up

43. Moody at certain times of the month

44. Hot flashes

45. Problems from being of a “certain age”

46. Not interested in your partner

47. Too interested in your partner or other people?

48. Stiff and sore

49. Areas that really hurt when touched

50. Muscles hurt

51. Fatigued

52. Pains in your head

53. Going to pass out

54. Lose consciousness

55. Difficult to remember things

56. Difficult to find your words

57. Difficulty reading

58. Difficult to speak sometimes

59. Shaky

60. Weak

61. Too active

62. Can’t balance on one leg

63. Moving your head or saying words you don’t intend

64. Difficulty paying attention

65. Easily distracted

66. Make a lot of mistakes

67. Disorganized

68. Difficult to complete tasks

69.Lose your train of thought

70. Difficult to complete studies or work

71. Get into trouble at school or work

72. Mix up numbers or letters sometimes

73. Difficult to know how things fit together

74. Difficulty with some subjects

75. Need to go to the bathroom but hard to start

76. Lose your urine sometimes

77. Difficult to control going to the toilet

78. Stinging sensations when going to the bathroom

79. Drink too much sometimes

80. Smoke cigarettes

81. Concerns about eating

82. Need caffeine to get going

83. Enjoy marijuana

84. Habits that concern you

85. Moody

86. Feeling low or flat

87. Feel sad

88. Concerned about things

89. Feel terrified sometimes

90. Mull about things

91. Thoughts you’d like to stop but can’t

92. Need to do things over and over

93. Eat more food than you can comfortably eat

94. Careful to never eat too much

95. Make yourself throw up

96. Difficult to do things you’d like to do

97. Others are against you

98. Get into trouble for your behavior

99. Feeling angry

100. Overwhelmed

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